Monday, August 08, 2005

Whew! Really busy day at the Stupa! Unfortunately, I couldn't be there! I was busy myself at work, so much so I couldn't even call during the day to check on things.

Amber called me a few times at work to let me know the replacement plexiglas is in process. It is large, over 5 ft tall, and nearly as wide at it's widest point. So Amber bravely offered her truck today, despite the heat and humidity (no air conditioning in the truck---and she's due to give birth in 6 weeks!). She and Ashby drove it over, had it measured and traced, placed and order. Then she came back to the temple to obtain a check and tax exempt card for the deposit, which she'll place tomorrow. How auspicious!

Ani Rene obtained paint and primer (don't know exactly what...but I heard it's acrylic, and beautiful).

Norbu spent hours on the spire, power washing and priming. So the stage is set, the pieces are in place! All we need now is decent weather tomorrow, and we'll be completing the Enlightenment Stupa on a 10 Million Day!

Chuck and Philip have volunteered to take down Guru Rinpoche for polishing, while we place the new brocade and finish painting the gau and spire.

I wasn't at the temple today, so the photo here is from yesterday. Lots has happened between now and then! Your prayers that I can be at the temple tomorrow are welcome, as I am technically scheduled to work. My director has done all she can to get the day off for me, so now it just remains for karma to reveal itself. If karma is fluid, it responds to aspirational prayers, and it is mine that I can be where ever the most benefit will come. I work as a nurse on an oncology (cancer) ward in a hospital, and our patients are quite ill and require specialized care. I cannot leave them short staffed, as ultimately the patients will suffer. However, if the staffing is adequate without me...I'm up on the spire tomorrow!

Either way, I'll give a report of the days events. Norbu did promise to bring his camera in the event I do have to work, so this amazing landmark can be recorded and shared. And of course, if any of you are able to make it to the temple tomorrow, even for a short visit, please do consider making the effort! The Stupas bring immense benefit just from seeing them, much less making offerings to them or prayers before them. There will be a spectacle for you to see, and if you prefer privacy, we have several Stupas in our parkland across the street, where you could have a quiet walk along wooded pathways and time alone with the Stupas. They are here for you, offering their blessings without restraint. No understanding of them is required, no special prayers or practices required (some suggestions if you wish, but no requirements), that's why Stupas are built outdoors, with no fences or gates, open to all. Of course, as always, if you can't make it to Poolesville, you can visit here. We'll keep the Stupas close to you online... Posted by Picasa

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