Sunday, August 07, 2005

August 7th...Plans and Plan Bs...

For those of you who follow astrology it has come up several times today that Mercury is in retrograde. Whatever that means. What I've gathered is that delays and convolutions of plan are not unexpected. If last week is any indicator, I know what that tastes like...

That said,we are on the brink of a major rally, with many pieces that need to fall into place. Not the ideal situation under the current skycast from what I understand. But, not impossible either. : )

On a positive note, despite the potential for disruptions, it hasn't rained yet! That means our paint yesterday has had time enough to cure! So, it can work out.

We'll thus ask for your prayers again, as we gather our ever shrinking resources (an extraordinary number of people are out of town this week!) to actually complete the Enlightenment Stupa on Tuesday! We'll need these next few days to be relatively rain free. We'll also need to find a supplier of gold metallic paint, and a crew that can support Norbu in this effort! I work the next two days (desperately trying to get Tuesday off, you can toss in a prayer for me while your at it!), so it's up to him to navigate the spire. That's 36 feet up, and not a staircase or platform to keep your footing on. We've got a ladder plan, but it's still a palm sweating kind of exercise up there.

I am certain this can all happen, but those prayers of support are essential! Stay tuned...we'll let you know how it goes!

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