Tuesday, August 30, 2005

And this is a shot of the primer. Whew! One huge hurdle crossed! So, basically the road is now paved...all we have to do is walk it.

Water on site at the Stupa Park, for the final power wash before painting. Water at Migyur Dorje, for the continued stripping in prep for painting.

We're going to actively avoid spraying the reliefs, so the whole stripping process should take about 3 or 4 more days, depending on logistic issues. If we can arrange to haul water while stipping is going on (totally dependent on truck availability), that will make it go much quicker. I'm seeing the astrologist tonight (Keleigh, the one who recently did a fund raiser at the temple), and am now curious as to what shifted in the skies since yesterday! Boom, everything lined up all of a sudden! : ) Of course, maybe it wasn't the planets, maybe it was all the prayers we did yesterday...in any case, we're really entering the home stretch!

If you'd like to jump in and help you're welcome to join us! And if you prefer to stay clean, dry and smelling good, you can always just visit. We'd love to have you. We're easily avoided these days as well, so if you prefer solitude the Stupas are here 24 hours a day, every day, offering blessings endlessly. Remember, no special knowledge, affiliations or commitments required. They are here to benefit all. So come on out and see them for yourself! Posted by Picasa

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