Wednesday, August 24, 2005


This is a shot of the White Garden, a short distance from Migyur Dorje. You can see there is a small Stupa there, and it is surrounded partly by a stream. It is a beautiful place, and almost always quiet. I show it to you so you know there is someplace to go for peace and quiet even as we now embark on restoring Migyur Dorje.

It's a short post tonight as I get some rest before tomorrow. The plan is to strip the bumpa of Migyur Dorje. We've been a little lower key lately, but we're ready to get back to it now. We called Cal Western yesterday, and found out our gold paint has been sitting on their dock unshipped for 3 weeks! Oh well, another episode of drama in the Stupa Restoration Project. Theoretically we should now get it by the middle of next week...We'll follow up sooner this time!

Before I head to bed, I do want to remind all that the Stupas are available to you here 24 hours a day, every day. The images alone will bring immense benefit, not to mention if you utilize their spiritual power by making prayers or aspirations in front of them. And if you want the real deal, the Enlightenment Stupa is right next to the parking lot at KPC Maryland, in Poolesville! And our other Stupas are tucked away in our spacious peace park, connected by wooded pathways. Please do take advantage of them! They exist for no other reason than to bring healing and benefit to all who encounter them! Posted by Picasa

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