Monday, August 08, 2005

August 8th...Motion!

Though I worked all day, a lot happened in Poolesville! Everyone jumped in to move the Enlightenment Stupa towards completion tomorrow.

Keleigh called and got specs on paint, unfortunately, she called me with the info at work. I couldn't call Rene (as a nurse I have almost no time to rest or eat, much less manage something like this). But Rene did obtain paint (I don't know from where), which Norbu said looks beautiful.

Amber and Ashby took the plexiglas to be traced, so we can get a replacement (maybe not by tomorrow).

And Norbu spent hours on the spire alone. He power washed it, and later primed it, by himself. He's really hoping I get off work tomorrow! But the merit he's generating is awesome! Though I know how aching muscles and mental fatigue can set in regardless of the joy in one's heart.

So the day ended with the spire and gau primed, ready for painting tomorrow. Amber said we'll know tomorrow how long it will take to get the plexiglas replacement. The brocade is ready and waiting, and we have a crew committed to seeing it through.

Prayers to remove obstacles to the swift completion of this project are welcome! I may have to work (prayers that I won't have to are also welcome), but will definitely report the outcome of this auspicious effort!

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