Thursday, August 25, 2005

We continued into the evening. In the end we weren't totally satisfied with the results today. The southwestern area of the bumpa, both on top and on the side, did not get clean enough. We're guessing the sun might have dried that part fastest, causing the paint to begin to readhere. A LOT was done...but we're going to spray up there again... Gabriel may be out tomorrow to help restock water, if he's game maybe we'll do that tomorrow.

Even though our chemical stinks, it isn't harmful. So feel free to come out and visit even as we work out here! Leigh came out earlier, and said it didn't smell too bad! And as I mentioned in yesterdays post, the White Garden is a short walk from here. The Enlightenment Stupa is completed also, so you have many options! If you can't get to Poolesville, they're as close as your browser window, right here! Posted by Picasa

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