Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Here's a close up of the fog...alas. One tries and sometimes it works, other times it's back to the drawing board. The fog is faint, and it did clear nicely once the sun came up. However, it is not what we had hoped would happen. Thus, we'll keep an eye on it for now.

Our plan to work on Migyur Dorje today was thwarted when KT asked us to help her prepare a presentation for the board and council tonight. She wanted some shots of areas around the temple which need work and attention. KT is the board chair overseeing our work on the Stupas, and we all are supportive of KT's efforts to generate funds and energy to restore the temple facility itself. Though we're focused on the Stupas right now, ultimately the goal is to restore the entire mandala of the temple, from the grounds to the structures themselves, so all of it reflects the amazing preciousness of this place.

It was all conceived by our teacher, Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo. It was her vision that there would be a place where there is unceasing prayer (hence our prayer vigil) and peace, open to anyone 24 hours a day. It was her aspiration that this mandala would serve not only as a foundation for the dawn of Buddhism in the west, but also as a place of refuge for anyone, Buddhist or non, needing a place to meditate, pray, gather their thoughts or just hang out. We have a little station with coffee and tea available, and a seating area, for visitors to relax. Well, there's more to this place than I can express in a short time. The bottom line is, when she needed our help we decided to offer it. So our initiative at Migyur Dorje is put off again, but for a good cause. We'll be back to work Thursday. The ladders are there and set, the water is there and waiting. We'll be there Thursday to get it all in motion! Posted by Picasa

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