Tuesday, August 23, 2005

August 23rd...Alternate plan....

The plan for today was that I'd do the 8-10 am prayer shift and we'd be out to Migyur Dorje right after. Well...it didn't go that way. : ) KT came in the middle of my prayer shift (I told her over the weekend she could if she needed help) and relieved me, so I could work on getting some scans and photos for her. That process took much longer than I'd anticipated (I should have learned by now). In the end, I met Norbu around noon, and we chatted over coffee, and decided to continue helping KT today. It was already late, and she still needed some photos taken. So, that's what happened today.

The photo above is from early this morning before my prayer shift...much to my distress the plexi had fogged up in the cool morning air. The temps have dropped out here a lot since last week, I knew that would be a test... Posted by Picasa

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