Saturday, August 20, 2005

August 20th...Destiny and Practice....

It has been humid lately, with some rain. So when I got to the temple the first thing I did was check out the gau. I wanted to see if our system was working....and it appears it is!! As you can see, the plexi is very clear, no condensation, no streaks from water running down behind it. It seems the desiccant is doing the job! We'll keep an eye on it. Pete has given his predictions on how frequently we'll need to change it, and even suggested a humidity gauge placed inside so we can monitor effectiveness. Having caulked, we'll not do that real soon, wanting to preserve the current working state. Our estimates run about every 2 months, maybe longer, for changing the desiccant. The weather will cool over the next few months, so the test will be set in motion!

Today no work was done, but I did have a conversation with Gabriel. He's been out a few times now to work on the Stupas, and was disappointed we weren't working today! How cool! He also informed me he has a BIG truck, with four wheel drive, that can tote as much water as we need, anywhere we need! His availability is pretty much weekends, but he's willing to swing us a Friday every now and then. So we're hoping to debut his vehicle this coming Friday! The goal this week is to make some progress.

We're still waiting for paint to arrive from California (will be calling Jerry in the early part of the week to find out what is happening with that). Don't fret though, we still have plenty to keep us busy. The Migyur Dorje Stupa needs to be done, and the Stupa Park will need a good going over before painting. KT has also volunteered her truck when she's in town (travels for her job), so between them we should be able to get through these last logistic challenges.

Instead of working, I spent the day in a workshop on Vedic Astrology (there's a longer, more precise name which I can't recall). Keleigh offered it as a fund raiser for the Mongolia Project here. It was quite interesting, as she described how it has been used traditionally to connect one with ones own dharma, or spiritual path. She described the relationship between the stars and planets, and karma. Certain kinds of events are destined, but the way you work with them is not. Kind of cool. Thanks Keleigh for the opportunity to learn!

For now, I'm heading to bed. 2 am prayer shift tonight, so it's going to be more of a nap. I will finish as always with the invitation to come out and see the Stupa in person if you can. They are a source of incalculable blessings, and they are always here for you. Whether you take a turn around them clockwise, or just take in their amazing beauty, they will bestow blessings without you even needing to know about it. As easy as it gets...And of course, if you can't get out to Poolesville, you can always keep in touch with them here. Posted by Picasa

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