Friday, August 19, 2005

I'll be back out to the temple tomorrow. No work on the Stupas though...I have an indoor assignment! I'll be attending the Vedic Astrology workshop! Keleigh, who is giving the workshop, is not only a long time student of astrology, but she's also a trained artist. She and I met in front of the Stupa on the day this photo was taken (you can see it's from about a month ago). I don't know if it shows up in the tiny pictures online, but the tigle is brilliant red. I've not seen it do this before or since...I'm thinking maybe it's auspicious...It was Keleigh's caution that tilted the scales in favor of going with a gold paint this year, until we had more time to research and practice with gold leaf.

I'll be bringing my camera, so I'll share some glimpses! Of course, you can always come out and see this all for yourself! Whether you're into astrology, or simply want to see the Stupa! Everything you see on these pages, all of it, is devoted to relieving all beings of their suffering. Keleigh isn't Buddhist, but she's impressed enough by the Mongolian Project to donate all proceeds of her workshop to it!

As I've always said (and it's true), there is never any requirement to take advantage of the profound blessings of our Stupas. Whether you believe in them or not, they offer their blessings unconditionally. They are an offering to you, where ever, who ever, you are. If you can't get to Poolesville, no worries, we'll keep them close to you here! Posted by Picasa

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