Tuesday, August 02, 2005

You can see just a tiny portion of the land and environment around Migyur Dorje here, and it is my hope in posting it that you might be inspired to come visit! This is a powerful Stupa, one which was built specifically for healing illness. It produces all the other benefits and blessings as well, but is here especially for those suffering from illness or injury. Eventually we will re-grade the land and make it wheel chair accessible, but for now, the road leading up there is passable even for a regular car (bumpy and muddy in places though). So if you can't walk up (the path is beautiful), you can drive. If you aren't comfortable driving up, someone in the temple might drive you here! We've done it many times...So please don't hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity! Even if we're working, we'll step aside while you make your offerings, pray or circumambulate, or even just take a moment to rest in the presence of boundless compassion...And of course, for all those unable to get to Poolesville at all, this blog will be here for you! Posted by Picasa

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