Saturday, August 06, 2005

From here we look ahead at the finishing touches. The spire and gau need to be addressed, and we've opted to go with gold paint. We'd hoped for leaf, but the budget just won't support it this year (though we've had some significant contributions for it!), but we'll make that our plan for next year. There had been hopes we'd finish it completely by Tuesday, and our work today brought that closer to the realm of the possible. We have to run down some things like burgundy paint for the inner rings, and the gold for the gau. Gold should be here any day We can at least paint the inner rings either Monday or Tuesday (weather permitting) and prep the spire for paint. That spire is 36 feet off the ground at the top mind you, not a job for the faint of heart! But as it turns out... Posted by Picasa

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