Monday, October 03, 2005

October 3rd...Glimpse from the Gulf...

I wasn't there...but Norbu was! This is a Stupa in Madison, LA. Norbu found it (he was determined to when he left here!) when he was looking for a staging point for the animal rescue down near New Orleans. It currently resides in a woman's backyard! Her name, interestingly, was Katrina. What is even more surprising is that, according to Norbu, she didn't even know what it was! She was very kind to our volunteers, allowing them to use her property for their work. Of course, Norbu wants us to go down there and repair her Stupa!

Even without knowing what it is, the Stupas benefit all who encounter them. Their blessings are open to all, no strings attached. How amazing that our Stupa Dude was able to stumble onto one in the Gulf Coast!

Our work here continues on the Stupas at KPC Maryland. Lisa Banana went out to water the repairs we did over the weekend today, and will again tomorrow (hope it worked out okay...). I'll be back out working on them on Wednesday, though it may end up a Titan 440i repair day (our sprayer is broken, and yours truly has an ambition to fix it!). That depends on the status of the truck situation, as I'm eager to get the stripping done (just need some water!). I have some more photos offered by Ani Aileen of Sedona (our organizational archivist) of the animal rescue down in Louisiana. I'll post a few of Norbu tomorrow! Posted by Picasa

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