Wednesday, October 12, 2005

October 12th...Moving towards closure...

This is a photo from March 25th, the day we first stripped the Stupa Park. You can see I was bundled up, and believe me it was cold!

Now, if you see the recent posts, we're finally getting back out there! We waited for months for paint. By the time the paint arrived we were rolling on Migyur Dorje, and then we branched out to Katrina Relief efforts. Now we're bringing the project back to focusing on the Stupa Park. So far the weather looks good for painting this weekend! It's going to be great to finally see them painted!

Today I had to earn my living, so no work out at the temple. Lisa said she'd oil the Titan 440i (our paint sprayer), as I forgot yesterday. Hope it hasn't rusted least now I know how to fix it!

For now I'll leave you with the usual invitation. The Stupas exist only to benefit sentient beings (that means all beings, human and non). They ask for nothing, require nothing, and there are no rules to follow. There are guidelines (like walking clockwise around them), but they'll bring you benefit even if you don't know that! So whether your a Buddhist looking to deepen in your practice, or someone who cares nothing about Buddhism, don't miss this precious opportunity! These sacred structures were brought into the world according to ancient procedures and extensive spiritual practices, they are not ordinary. They contain relics of actual Buddhas, we're talking finger bones and the like, extremely precious! The Tibetans trusted us newbie westerners to care for them, and offered us the opportunity to have them here, close to us. We're working hard to keep them here, so countless beings like yourselves can have the chance to encounter them, right here in Poolesville, Maryland! Posted by Picasa

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