Saturday, October 29, 2005

29 degrees kept dominating our minds as we wrapped up for the day. We decided to leave the work lights up for the night. Those halogens kick off a good amount of heat, and we're hoping they keep the frost off the repair for tonight.

Tomorrow we're going at it again, but with the forecast for a balmy 65 degrees in the afternoon we're headed out to the Stupa Park to try our new spray nozzle, and see if we can get those Stupas painted and protected for the season. We'll be experimenting, so wish us luck! Of course, you can check in here to see how we managed....

And as always, I'll end with the invitation. We are working in the cold, blustery weather 40 feet in the air with little room to maneuver not because we're gluttons for punishment (well...that may be part of it) but because we wish to ensure these precious structures remain in the world for generations. It is our sincerest desire to restore them to a condition honoring their profoundly sacred nature. To many who come by they may look like interesting concrete structures, but to those of us who have some idea what they are, they are the door to liberation itself. Positioned out in the open air, so all beings may stumble on them, connecting from then on with their own Enlightened nature. So, you don't have to know what they are to receive their limitless blessings. To see them, even here on this blog, is all that is necessary. Come on out to Poolesville, Maryland and see them for yourself! It just might change your life! Posted by Picasa

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