Here's the bottom line. The paint went much further with the brush. To a project manager like myself such scenes bring a serenity all their own. Though we may need to apply a second coat, and work in thicker coats in the future (we were deliberately conservative today in order to see how much of a crisis we were in financially), it was reassuring to know we could keep expenses achievable.
Today we learned we can control consumption of the paint, and the next week or so should give us an idea of whether we'll need to order more paint (or more accurately, how much more we'll need). We have to work with the gold top coat and see how that works.
So it's a big week! Khenpo Norgye will be giving teachings starting Wednesday (see KPC Maryland's website for more info!), and we'll be putting gold on the small Stupas and primer on the Long Life Stupa!
Of course, you don't have to paint them to enjoy them! We won't put you to work unless you volunteer first. But please do come out and see them. They are precious sources of good fortune and blessings, and they don't care if you're Buddhist or not. All the work you see on these pages is done by volunteers devoted to keeping this amazing opportunity in the world for generations to come. We're doing this for you, and countless beings like you...

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