Tuesday, October 25, 2005

October 25th...Obstacles, devotion and faith...

Well, I've been fighting a cold for a few days, so missed a day or two of posts. I'm feeling better today though, in fact, dreamed about painting Stupas all night and woke up early, did my practice, and was ready to go really early (those who know me know that's rare). Unfortunately, despite my eagerness (some might say obsession), it rained ALL DAY.

I drove out to the temple, and literally sat in my car listening to teachings watching the rain hit my windshield, waiting for it to stop (Lisa did encourage this behavior, as she was earning her living today and couldn't be out there). Finally, after a few phone calls trying to convince Ani Rene to join me in my madness, she instead convinced me it was one of those times when giving up was inevitable. So I came home and did a little administrative stuff, trying to get supplies lined up (we're hitting a financial crunch now, so it's not so easy) so when we CAN work, we have what we need. Thus, it turns out Lisa's episode of insanity on Sunday (we MUST paint!) served us really well! Thanks Lisa! Posted by Picasa

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