Monday, October 17, 2005

October 17th...Impatience...

Here they are. This photo is from the weekend, when we painted 7 of the eight small Stupas in the Stupa Park. If you've been following along you know that breaking open the paint (finally) gave us a start (not unusual for this project) as we realized it was going to take more than we estimated. : )

The current plan is to move to painting the Stupas by hand, so we need volunteers! Whether it's for 1 hour or a half a day, the more hands the faster it will go. Of course, there is huge merit in this activity, and we hope our company isn't too discouraging. ; ) We'll provide the brushes and paint, if you provide the willing hands and sacrificial clothes. If you get out there on Wednesday you won't even have to deal with heights! After that, well, you'll have to factor in a little climbing.

I'm working at the hospital these few days, so I can't get out there (hard to see the sun shine without being able to paint!), but I'll be there Wednesday-Friday, so feel free to stop by if you want to join in.

Of course, there is never a need to work when you visit the Stupas, no need for anything in particular. They are open to all, free of charge, all the time. We're just doing all this so they will be here for a long, long time. It is our sincerest hope that all of you with even the slightest interest or curiosity will come see these amazing structures for yourselves. We're certain you won't regret it! Posted by Picasa

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