Sunday, October 02, 2005

Here it is. Hours of work, and a big round of courage. That huge hold we made yesterday is now repaired. There is more to do (you can see that crack), but for today, we were all happy to get this done! We ended the day by getting one of the 55 gallon barrels and filling it halfway with water, that way, Lisa can come out after work tomorrow (I'm working the next two days) to water the repairs. The plan is she'll use the water with the sump pump and spray water up to the repairs...tricky-but not as tricky as getting that darn extension ladder up by herself! Heck, we have trouble with it between the two of us! As usual, I'll end with the invitation...the Stupas exist only for benefiting beings. There is no other reason they are here. Their blessings are offered constantly, whether you see them, touch them, or are touched by the breeze that blows over them, whether you're a bird (or wasp) flying over it, or a spider crawling on it, or a curious human being coming to check it out, the Stupa will offer you the seed of Enlightenment. So come out and take advantage of this amazing opportunity! Right here in Poolesville, Maryland...if you can't make it to Poolesville, you can keep visiting them right here on the blog... Posted by Picasa

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