Well, no word from the front today. : ) I know Lisa was out there, but I don't know what happened. : )
This is the Ngagpa Yeshe Dorje Stupa, and it was our plan to strip it today. I know it is a big job, and I'm hoping Lisa survived if she ventured into it.
This is the Stupa that began this whole huge plan. Whether it was stripped today or not, it is of great importance and will be done during this process. It had been our hope to complete the Enlightenment Stupa before branching off to other areas, but we're trying to keep working despite running out of repair material. Thus, it made sense to go out and address NYD. The holiday weekend further complicates things, in that we can't order mortar before Tuesday. That's okay though, there's plenty to do.
Gretchen has been working on brocades, and there's a lot of sand around the Enlightenment Stupa we could move! : ) For those new to the blog, we sandblasted the Stupa for nearly the entire month of May!
I worked at the hospital today, but will be back at the temple tomorrow, with a more accurate update. ; )
Even with no news to report, and a mind too mushy to come up with anything to say, I wanted to post a photo of a Stupa. That way, at least I can offer the inevitable benefit you will receive just from seeing it! Stupas are potent sources of blessings, existing only to benefit beings...that's all beings, whether worms that crawl around in the rain, the ants that are living in the gau of the very Stupa you see here (we will relocate them however), or the curious visitors that come by to see what this is all about! They bring benefit here, through cyberspace! You don't even need to travel! So please do keep checking in.
All the things you see on these pages, from the photos and awkward posts, to the hard working volunteers that fuel this project, to the magnificent structures we are striving to maintain, all of it exists as an offering to you! The Stupas, the temple, are all available 24 hours a day, not only here in cyberspace, but live in person! If you doubt my sincerity...come on out and see for yourself! : ) There's a 24 hour prayer vigil for the end of suffering going on right now, the very moment you read these words. It's been going on for over 20 years! Nonstop! The Stupas are also there for you, nonstop. So don't be shy, come on out and take advantage of it all! If you can't come to Poolesville, then you can always visit here. We'll be here...
If you want to contribute to this auspicious activity, we welcome your prayers! If you'd like to get your hands dirty, we'll make sure you have a chance, and if you can't get here in person, you can make an offering on this very page. Even $1 will connect you with the Stupas for lifetimes to come! May all beings rejoice in this amazing opportunity!
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