Sunday, July 03, 2005

It's a little blurry (my hands aren't the steadiest...), but here's Malik checking out our work today. We knew going in we'd need two coats of paint, so we're not surprised (this time!). : )

Lisa is heading up to New York this week, to spend two weeks in retreat with His Holiness Penor Rinpoche! So we won't see her for a few weeks! Have a great retreat Lisa! With any luck, by the time she returns, we'll be heading to Migyur Dorje!

The plan for tomorrow is that Norbu (and hopefully some help) will be putting a second coat on the bumpa. Tuesday Ashby is heading up to Hanover to get another bucket of M125, we hope it will be our last for this year! The goal is still to have folks paint the Stupa next Sunday, on 10 Million Day. So please do make plans if you can come out and join us! Know the paint is watery though, and messy, so bring some old clothes! If we can get through the repairs this week (possible, might be a challenge, but possible), then next week we'll be painting the rest of this Stupa. We're painting from the top down, so even if heights make you nervous there'll be plenty of opportunities to paint next week!

Of course, the Stupa is here for everyone, anyone, so working is not required. Come out and enjoy this amazing opportunity to connect with the Enlightened Mind itself if you can. We'll also keep this blog updated for you, so you can share this auspicious activity. Here in cyberspace, you can visit these Stupas anytime, day or night, without even taking off your slippers! Of course you can visit the real thing anytime day or night as well...just takes a little longer...Either way, know the Stupas exist only to bring blessings to all beings that connect with them. That includes images, the images bring blessings as well, so even if this blog is as close as you get to a Stupa, that blessing is still right here for you!
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