Saturday, July 23, 2005

So, the trip was worth while. The lotuses were in bloom. I don't have a fancy camera, or a telephoto lens (otherwise I'd try to dazzle you with my novice photographic skill!), but my subject possesses a beauty of it's I figured share...In Buddhism the lotus is significant because it arises fresh and pure, unstained by the mud it grows from.

Today we didn't work on the Stupas. I really miss it. Tomorrow it is suppose to rain (in the evening) so I'm not sure we can do much. But we'll see. If there are some guys to help manage the plexiglas, I might polish Guru Rinpoche in preparation for his new brocades!

I am sorry to disappoint folks that came out to paint today, but the skies really did seem threatening. Now of course, as I look out my window, they are clear...what can you do?

There were a lot of folks who came to walk around the Stupas though! They are beautiful, even in their partially restored state. And their blessings are profound, so please do make the trip if you can! And we'll keep the blog up to date as well. May all beings have the good fortune to encounter the Stupas, connecting them without fail to their own Enlightenment!Posted by Picasa

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