Saturday, July 30, 2005

Here's a shot of the foundation from the window of the construction trailer on site, with the "plan" sitting in the window. Note the compass, Stupas are all built facing east.

Even the central channel (see photo posted yesterday) is created around a cedar log whose east facing area has been marked and noted throughout the process. Which is the "eastern face" of the log? It's the part of the tree that faced east when it grew from the ground, that direction is noted when cutting, then continually noted throughout the process to ensure the eastern face of the tree is placed facing east in the Stupa itself, which also faces east...even after the carving, painting and ornamentation of the tree into a full fledged shok shing!

Now, you may ask why east? Well, I'll have to try and figure that out...I am no expert. Just sharing some of what I've learned. : ) Sorry. But if it inspires you to learn more, I guarantee that's a good thing! Every aspect of a Stupa is a map to Enlightenment! Of course, no understanding is required to receive their blessings!

All the Stupas have been built, and are now being renovated, as an offering to you! To every sentient being (living creature) that has ever experienced, or will experience suffering. They require no fee, no understanding, not even faith. Just give them the benefit of the doubt, and come on out and soak up some blessings! And as always, if you can't get to Poolesville you can always visit here! Posted by Picasa

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