This is a screen capture from News Channel 8's weather advisory. I'm a nurse as well as a nun, and though I am eager to get to work on Migyur Dorje, and we've assembled a crew, I'm giving serious thought to post-poning our launch out there until Thursday. Thursday the temps are going to be back down into the 80's, a much safer zone for working outdoors on a concrete structure that reflects the sun. I'll gauge my comrades feelings in the morning, but I'm thinking we might just make it a Mongolian Day!
The temple is having a fund raising event at BD's Mongolian barbecue, a local Mongolian Restaurant (see the link to KPC Maryland's webpage for more details). Evidently there are going to be come celebrities there, though we're all going in order to support our initiative to help bring Tibetan Buddhism back to Mongolia! FPMT is already there helping establish the Gelugpa, and we're hoping to help re-establish the Nyingma School. This is a huge undertaking (can you see we have that habit?), and of course, not an inexpensive one. : ) I'm not going to write a lot about it, as I'm Stupa focused and thus not able to speak to it in a manner that does it justice. I refer you to Konchog's entertaining and informative blog on the actual efforts underway (link on this page) and to our website for more information. And of course, if you like Mongolian barbecue, you can just come out and see the sights and eat good food!
Whether you venture out to BD's Mongolian barbecue in Bethesda tomorrow (it's an all day thing!) or not, please do consider offering your prayers of support for this noble undertaking! And of course, the Stupas are always here for you (no food, but plenty of blessings!), offering healing, prosperity and blessings to all they encounter. The Stupas are here 24 hours a day, every day, as is this blog (well, servers do go down, so the concrete one's are more reliable, but for some harder to access...). It is all offered to you, and all beings seeking relief from the cycle of suffering....

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