Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Here they sit...7 barrels of water...waiting for us to take the plunge! Norbu's truck has felt the wear of this project, thus Amber helped us by hauling this out last week. Tomorrow morning we'll dip into them! We'll be power washing first, to remove not only debris, but to knock loose the wasp nests...Norbu assures me he doesn't think it will kill them...Malik is worried about the babies...I am too. But we have to get them down to work, and there are lots of them. My plan is to start just with the spire, where I didn't see many (any actually), in hopes that the odor of our stripper will repel the insects as effectively as it does the operators! We wrapped up early. Norbu, doing prayer chart caretaking this week (we have a 24 hour prayer vigil, uninterrupted for over 20 years!), has a shift this afternoon. We're all melted besides...and we're all going to get cleaned up for the Mongolian Grill tonight! Posted by Picasa

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