Monday, July 18, 2005

The Enlightenment Stupa is just about ready to paint. Norbu wants to work on his repair more in the back, but he wants to move forward with the painting in the meantime...we've once again run out of repair mortar! : ) This time it was the M90. He knew we'd be close...but between this large repair on the west wall of the Enlightenment Stupa and the repairs he did today out at the Auspicious Manifold Doorways Stupa, we just ran out. His thought is to go ahead and work on stripping Migyur Dorje, and then see where we are. It is likely we'll need more stripper as well, so the thought is to consolidate trips to Hanover.

We're in the phase now of asking for trucks to help us haul water out to Migyur Dorje. The site has no water, and we're back to hauling barrels. Norbu's truck is not up to it this time, so we're looking for some help! If anyone has a truck and they're willing to haul a few barrels of water up to Migyur Dorje for us let us know! The goal is to get started out there Wednesday...that all depends on being able to get water out there!

Of course, there is never any requirement for coming out and enjoying the Stupas! The Stupas exist in order to bring benefit to all who encounter them, from the mosquitoes to the vultures that fly over head, and everything in between. Thus, I'll end with my usual invitation to please come out and see them for yourself! We have over 65 acres of wooded land, with parks and Stupas, walking paths and even a few streams. You can see what we're up to! You can also see first hand our 24 hour prayer vigil, where we've been in continuous prayer for over 20 years! Don't worry, we have lots of visitors, and many are not Buddhist, we're happy to have you regardless. There's something amazing happening out here in Poolesville, Maryland...come on out and see! And if you can't make it to Poolesville, we'll keep you in touch with all of it here! Posted by Picasa

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