Friday, July 01, 2005

The Stupa at the end of the day. We've made progress on the upper steps. Unfortunately, we've also nearly run out of repair material! With the holiday weekend upon us, this caught us off guard. So we're turning to plan "B" tomorrow. Lisa Banana will be on site, as I'm back to the hospital to earn my living, and will be leading the crew over at Ngagpa Yeshe Dorje. This is the Stupa that started this whole process. She's planning to strip it tomorrow (it's a small Stupa, 8 ft I think). I'm fairly certain it won't seem small to Lisa when she's trying to clean that stripper off it though.. : ) She doesn't have a camera, so you'll have to wait until Sunday to see pictures, but I'll get an update in the evening and let you know what happened!

As always, it is the hope of all of us here working on the Stupas, that everyone with even a casual interest in them come out and see them in person if you can! If not, please keep visiting here. This site exists for no other reason than to share this experience with all of you!

Even to see a Stupa brings tremendous blessings! You have encountered your own Enlightened Mind in form! How auspicious! May those seeds ripen swiftly and effortlessly, for the benefit of all suffering beings... Posted by Picasa

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