Friday, July 15, 2005

So, you may be asking, what exactly is all this about? The above photo is of my Mom and Dad from May 23rd, the 10 Million Day celebrating the Enlightenment of the Buddha. My folks came out, as a favor to their child (they're not Buddhist...though Mom was raised a Zen Buddhist) to join in the celebration by placing a little mortar on the Stupa, repairing a crack. They stayed for about 10 minutes and left. It was raining heavily that afternoon (you can see from the photo) so I was really glad they came anyway...

I'm telling this story because my father, who had indolent lymphoma for years, had recently been told it had become more active. He was told a few weeks ago, that based on a March bone marrow biopsy (I think March, maybe April) he had 65% lymphoma cells in his bone marrow. That's a lot. His oncologist wanted him to start chemo next week, but wanted to do another bone marrow biopsy to see if the cancer had converted to a more aggressive form (which would actually have been more receptive to treatment) before initiating the chemotherapy. Well, after talking with Dad today, his oncologist told him yesterday that his follow up bone marrow biopsy had shown less than 25% lymphoma cells! A huge drop. She didn't know why that happened, but did say she felt he did not need chemotherapy at this time. Of course, he's not out of the woods, but as an oncology (cancer) nurse, I was amazed to hear it. While it's not a story of a cure, it is a true story of healing. I can't say it was because he came out and worked on a Stupa, but the teachings indicate that can contribute a lot. I know Dad wouldn't believe in any connection. But still, it is amazing...really.

Why tell a story like this? Because it really is TRUE. The Stupas DO bring healing, they bring peace of mind, the do bring prosperity (ask all our volunteers who ended up finding paying jobs!). There is no element of self serving here! I have no way to profit from this story. I'm telling the world in the hopes any of you out there struggling with illness or suffering might be inspired to give the Stupas a try! For real! If I could find every one of you in person I'd tell you this face to face, so you could see I'm not fooling around or dreamings some starry eyed fantasy here. This is the real deal! You don't have to take my word for it...TRY IT!

Okay, you get the point. The Stupas are precious objects, truly beyond the ordinary mind's ability to comprehend (at least mine anyways). They exist for no other reason than to bring healing, peace, and blessings to all those that come in contact with it. So come make contact with them! Whether you travel out to Poolesville, or visit them here online (even the images bring blessings, if you can't get out to Maryland). Better to be able to circumambulate them, but even meditating on the image and making wishing prayers for healing or blessings not only for oneself but for all beings, benefit is sure to come.

Thus, all the efforts of everyone on these pages, is devoted to keeping these amazing sources of blessings here for you, whoever you are, where ever you are...Posted by Picasa

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