Pete came out today thinking we might all go flying (Pete is a small plane pilot as well as Stupa Dude). As it turns out he decided we shouldn't fly, as the forecast called for thunderstorms this afternoon (say prayers that our paint is curing well despite getting a little wet!) We couldn't work on repairs because we still don't have mortar.
Ashby is due to pick up the mortar today, but working on the Stupas is habit forming, so we decided to pick up a project we'd left on the side lines a few weeks ago.
It is traditional to make offerings to Stupas, so many folks who come bring things like fruit, incense, or candles. This is America though, so some also offer cash. It tends to blow away when left out in the open, so we've been planning to put some offering boxes in place by the Stupas. The cash that is left actually goes towards the repairs, both now during this renovation and in the future it will go to support the ongoing maintenance of the Stupas. Our entire organization here at KPC is funded soley by the generosity of it's members and guests. For the sake of the board I'll include that we are a non-profit organization (501c or something like that), you can visit our official web page by following the link on this page if you want to know more.
The best part is, by providing these boxes folks can contribute something easy to carry (like the change in their pocket), thereby making a profound connection with the Stupas! They say that repairing Stupas (or building new ones) is one of the five factors necessary to attain enlightenment in this time of degeneration (see the link on this page "the Immeasurable Benefits of Stupas to see the details of this), so by making even a small offering of a few cents, you have actually contributed to that factor remaining in this world! How cool is that? : ) So today the Stupa Crew turned it's attention to making this connection easier for you!

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