Monday, June 06, 2005

Well, so it goes. : ) Although they say change is inevitable, it is interesting how patterns definitely exist. : ) Again we have stalled equipment. Norbu worked on the power washer for a while, but we couldn't get it to crank. We'll work on it more on another day. I had a call regarding the prayer chart, so I went inside at this point to troubleshoot (call outs do pose challenges...) while Norbu stayed and finished cleaning the Enlightenment Stupa. The hose with a nozzle did the trick down below. The bumpa was packed with sand so it was fortunate the power washer worked up there! Now we're ready to start repairs on Thursday. Norbu is going to keep working out at the Stupa Park, while I work the next two days. I'll post more photos from our trip to New York last week over those days (since no one on site at the temple will be taking any photos). Dawa took lots of pictures, so it'll be fun to share a few of them (I mean she took lots of pictures...). : )  Posted by Hello

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