Thursday, June 23, 2005

I started cleaning up once I ran out of mortar (more coming tomorrow!). Norbu was still across the street, working on the Auspicious Manifold Doorways Stupa. I would have gone out to get some photos of his work, but I had to meet KT (she's been extraordinarily patient with me) to complete our budget projections. I can truly say there has not been one aspect of this undertaking that has not caused me to have to change, to open up to things I thought I'd never do (and never want to do) and what is cool is that now that I've gotten involved, I found it really is fun! Yeah, sitting around talking about things we have no idea how we'll get done, yet knowing we'll get it done, may not sound fun, but it is. It is like resting in the lap of the Guru, knowing my job is only to keep going and be willing. After the meeting with KT, there's a teaching... Posted by Hello

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