Sunday, June 05, 2005

June 5th...Good-byes and digging in...

Today Dawa and Christine left to return to Arizona, where they are already behind on their own projects for the benefit of beings! Dawa is planning to work on Dakini Valley, a retreat land our sangha purchased some years ago in the wilderness of Arizona's desert. It is minimally developed, and it is Dawa's goal to build enough structures and resources on it to support actual retreatants who wish to take advantage of the energy of that sacred land.

Christine heads up fund raising out there. Check out the KPC Arizona page link on this page to catch a glimpse of what they're up to out there!

Below you can see the Stupa that started it all for this project, and part of that story. It was a day for reflecting on this, and how far we've come, as well as how far we have to go. It has been an amazing blessing to have this chance!

Tomorrow we'll be back to work on the Stupas, with Ashby and I focusing on the Enlightenment Stupa while Norbu and Lisa turn their attention to the Stupa Park. We now have a price quote on gold paint, and a timeframe for it's manufacture (it's a custom paint), so we can really get in gear to complete both the Enlightenment Stupa and the Stupa Park in the next month or so! First step is repairs though, for both locations, hence the division in labor. The Stupa Park repairs are more delicate and need some experienced hands (Lisa is a trained artist), but the Enlightenment Stupa repairs are pretty straight forward. So please do feel welcome anytime we're out to give a hand! It can be as little as 10 minutes, we'll make sure you have a chance to contribute! It's a great opportunity to come out and experience the benefits of these amazing structures first hand! Maybe you already have, just visiting these pages! We'll be out there this week, and this weekend! Norbu and I are both care takers for our 24 hour prayer vigil though, so you might want to send us a comment if you'd like to come out, so we can be sure we're not napping when you come (the care takers fill in all shifts not taken by volunteers, which often means some middle of the night praying!). We do all of this in order to bring peace of mind and happiness to all beings in existence, human and non. We are just ordinary folks, who had the good fortune to stumble on a precious opportunity! By reading this you too have stumbled on that opportunity, so if you'd like to dig in a little more do come out! If you are far from here, or can't make it out, then keep in touch with it all here. Your prayers and good wishes are potent supports for these efforts!

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