Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I worked (at the hospital) again today, so have no immediate news to report from the Stupas. This is the Enlightenment Stupa from last week. It's now been repaired on all four walls of the throne in addition to the bumpa. We're planning on taking down the platform on Thursday, in preparation for completing repairs (can't get to the upper steps with the platform in place). The rain has reminded us we are not in control, however, and we haven't been able to paint as we had planned. So we'll see what happens!

I posted this photo to reassure anyone who may have found the blog for the first time yesterday, you can see we've made a lot of progress since this project first started! I can remember being told by concrete restoration contractors (I had several actually come out to assess the Stupas) that all the paint would have to be removed. I can recall being told by paint vendors it wouldn't be possible to remove all the paint, period! You can see such statements did not deter us!

I don't say this as a boast, but out of reverence for these wonderous structures. They call forth the very best in beings, and honestly, miracles do happen! David Parker came out of nowhere when we needed him, just in time to help us plan and build this platform! He brought tools and knowledge that made the repair of this Stupa possible. Back in March, just when I thought I'd have to start researching vendors again (had been toiling at it for over a year), one of the contractors we'd been working with closely (but could not afford) offered us detailed advice on products, and gave us the contact for a vendor that could literally walk us through the repair process! That vendor, Cathedral Stone, sent a mason/sales rep to teach us not only about their products, but showed us how to use them! It is not likely a coincidence that this breakthrough occurred when our teacher, whose aspirations formed the foundation of all the Stupas, formally asked us to repair them. David himself has said he can't believe what we've accomplished, and he has 15 years of construction experience. I've talked with Stupa builders in Arizona, and they all have many such stories to tell. It isn't us, it's the Stupas that make this kind of wonder possible. Just look over these pages, and through our archives, and you'll see some really amazing things. Heck, if you're in Maryland, you can come by in person! This opportunity is open to anyone wishing to give it a try! I guarantee if you hang around here long enough, in person or by watching this blog, you'll see wonders in action! If you come join us, you may experience it first hand! So don't be shy, we won't pressure you to do anything you don't want, but we'll do our best to support you if you do want to help!Posted by Hello

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