Saturday, October 01, 2005

So the late evening repair process ended with this...One phase of the gau repair completed! Lisa was a champ! She hung in there despite her fear of heights, the darkness everywhere, and the psychotic moth experience! We're all learning the meaning of "without thought for my comfort or safety" from our teachers Bodhisattva Vow (which we've all taken). We'll be back out tomorrow morning to work on the other huge repair we started today. James has jumped in with both feet! He's ready to commit time out here every weekend until the Stupas are done. They have an amazing way of inspiring that kind of devotion. They are the presence of Enlightenment itself, in a tangible form, existing solely for the benefit of beings like ourselves, who lack any other means of "touching" the Enlightened Mind. They are here for us, day, night, always. We are working hard to keep it that way! And of course, they are here for you too! Please do come out and take advantage of this precious opportunity, it truly is extremely rare in this chaotic world... Posted by Picasa

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