Tuesday, July 05, 2005

We were literally racing against a storm at this point. Thunder had been rolling around since we were in the Stupa Park, and now those big drops that preceed a storm were falling. We did complete our goal though, of getting the offering boxes up today.

This entire project, this sweeping renovation, has been undertaken with the motivation that they will never again fall into disrepair. That they will remain in the world to benefit beings for countless generations. These offering boxes are a way that those who visit them can contribute to that same goal!

The Stupas are always here, always available, and always free. Today's efforts were undertaken only to provide a means for those who wish to offer cash a safe method of doing so. Offerings made into these boxes will go to repairing the Stupas directly, an auspicious connection to be sure! Remember though, the Stupas are here for all beings, regardless of species. They offer their blessings with no strings attached, and we offer them to you in that same spirit!

I work again the next two days, but I suspect Norbu will be out there repairing the Stupa. Ashby did get the mortar today, so we're back in business. We're still aiming for painting on Sunday, so if you can come out, we'd love to have you! And of course, the blog will be here, so all can share in this auspicious activity.... Posted by Picasa

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