Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Here's a picture from March 25th, when we first started this process (well, when it really started to take off...the process took a year before it really got going). This is the Auspicious Manifold Doorways Stupa, and you can see it is in really tough shape. It is being held together here by caulk mostly, which I placed in a panic last year when I found it crumbling. A second coat of stripper removed the remaining caulk, and exposed the cracked up concrete and chunks fell off.

I was wise yesterday, and saved a few photos for today, knowing I'd be working. They are of this Stupa now. Norbu has courageously taken on this repair, and you can see below he's really made a huge difference.

For those who may be new to the blog, we're in the process of repairing all the Stupas on our land here in Poolesville, Maryland. This is one of the eight Stupas that surrounds the Long Life Stupa in our Stupa Park. This renovation has been long in coming, but we've finally reached the point where our research provided us with enough information that we could start work with confidence. We had to learn a lot about concrete, as well as muster our courage in practice... Posted by Picasa

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