Lama So Cho on the left, was our practical instructor. He doesn't speak English, but fortunately, Khenpo Norgye, on the right here, speaks fluent English. Khenpo was exceptionally patient with us, as we posed many questions to him. He was able to teach us from Tibetan texts (and a Bhutanese book based on Tibetan texts), translating into English for us. What an amazing blessing! Having the opportunity to learn this sacred practice from these authentic teachers! Long day today though (these photos are from this morning!) so I'll post more detailed photos of this whole trip tomorrow. We're headed to Chinatown in D.C. to try and find some of the offerings we were shown (items not common to western stores). Glad to be back on the p.c., rather than posting via phone (though it looked better than I thought it would...). Please do keep checking in! We hope to share lots of great stuff with you. You're getting a peek inside here, seeing what makes a sacred object sacred. It isn't how it looks on the outside alone. There is a detailed, profound practice that goes into the filling. Though we could never provide all the details here (this is a practice, with vows, and many precious substances and objects not available readily, so not a DIY kind of exercise). I share this only to help deepen your appreciation of what goes into images of the Buddhas...

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