After showing me his work out at the Stupa Park, we came back to the temple to get a bite to eat before the teaching tonight, and found out the Sang Offering was happening, so we joined in! As you've seen in previous posts, Ani Hesper does a Sang Offering daily to support the activity of our Teacher, and her students.
After the practice we ate quickly and attended the teaching this evening. It was a profound opportunity! We had a chance to watch a video of Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, our root Teacher, being enthroned by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche! Most of us Stupa folks are newer than that (this amazing event occurred in 1988), so it was our first opportunity to see it. Though we all regard her as an Enlightened Teacher, it was really moving to watch the ceremony where she was officially recognized as a Lineage Holder of the Palyul Tradition!
All of the activity you see here, all of the structures, from Stupas to statues, from the 24 hour prayer vigil for peace to the front doors that never lock, all of this is the result of Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo's prayers and the hard work of her devoted students. All of this, her aspirations, and our digiligent attempts to realize them, are directly solely towards libertating all beings from suffering, without judgment or exception. It is through her kindness that we can offer these supports to you!
You don't have to be comfortable with Tibetan Buddhism, or with the whole concept of teachers and students, or with prayer for that matter, to benefit from the Stupas though! They are almost all outdoors, and many are in remote areas of the land, so you don't have to worry if you aren't interested in how it all came to be! If you just want to take in the pleasant summer afternoon, in a quiet, natural environment, we promise not to bother you. All of this truly is here for you!

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