This is Guru Rinpoche from yesterday, after we replaced the freshly dry-cleaned brocade. When I looked out the window today at work (no holidays for hospital nurses) I noticed it was raining. I just had to check in at the temple and get a report...we worked so hard yesterday to seal the chamber. Lisa, whose mind was on the same track, checked, and so far so good! She said she couldn't see any evidence that the rain was getting in there, and so far the plexi isn't clouding up! We'll be checking it out at the earliest opportunity from up on the Stupa, to get a close look and confirm that we've at least temporarily succeeded.
For now, I'm off to bed in preparation for another day at the hospital. It is the sincere hope of all those on this team that all who see this blog rejoice in the blessing of having seen a Stupa, and that you may perhaps even be motivated to come visit them in person. They're here for you 24 hours a day, every day, offering their peace and blessings. No need to be Buddhist, no need to even understand what they are. So please do come when you can!