This photo is from July of 2004. You can see how the Stupa Park looked back then (I'm posting this today as a way of encouraging the Stupa gang). We're all pushing the limits at our jobs (every one of us has used all our leave), getting up early on our days off, and working until conditions prevent us from doing more. So here's a look at how far we've come! You can see from the photos yesterday the Stupa Park is now looking shiny again!
I received an update from Ani Rene this evening. First, the bumpa is now yellow with primer! Yeckta is going to be out really early tomorrow, and I'll be out there too (maybe not quite as early). The big obstacle today was similar to ours yesterday...Ladybugs! Ani Rene said the Stupa was simply covered with them. So many in fact, that she found herself unable to continue painting. She recommended I get out there really early, before the sun warms the concrete too much, so we can paint before they gather...we'll see! Regardless, we'll be out tomorrow continuing the effort to get them finished before the winter sets in!
Finally, no work is required to benefit from the Stupas! They exist for the sole purpose of bringing benefit to beings, regardless of species (insects, birds, humans, they don't care). They offering healing, peace and prosperity to all that encounter them. You don't have to be Buddhist, you don't even have to believe it, it is simply their nature to offer it. So, if you're looking for a place to get away from the chaos of modern life for a while, or if you're curious what this is all about, it is our hope that you'll come out and see the Stupas for yourself!