This is a photo from last Thursday, the last day we worked on the Stupas. I couldn't take more shots that day as it was just Norbu and I out there. So, tomorrow I'll be back out (finally!) and will at least get a shot of how the spire looks without paint! I'm hoping we'll find someone willing to truck water for us, so we can move on to the bumpa, but no one lined up yet...We will find something to do though! For certain!
It's a short post tonight, worked a lot and am sleepy. : ) But wanted to touch base, this process much benefit to anyone who views these images, so I am happy to make the time every day! These precious structures bring benefit to all beings, just through seeing them. Even the images here! So if you can, do visit them in person. You won't regret it...they are not only beautiful, but their potent blessings are real. You can feel it. And of course, I'm posting here even as I dream of bed because these photos will bring benefit to you also! So even if you can't get to Poolesville, you can always visit Stupas here!