This photo is from last week. David Parker, from TMC in Frederick, came by to see what we'd been up to since he helped us build the platform. He's volunteered to help us take it down! He's also going to help us plan and build a similar platform at Migyur Dorje, reusing portions of this one. He said they're planning to build their first Stupa up in Frederick! How cool is that!
He's always showed up at critical junctures for us. Without him the sand blasting of the bumpa would have been extremely difficult. But the platform gave us an easy access for the sandblasting, and for the repairs! Out at Migyur Dorje, that's going to be even more important, as the relief and artwork need repair and repainting, not something Ani Alana is likely to do dangling from a rope. : ) Lisa might...but I think she too would prefer something to stand on. In addition, the bumpa out there presents a similar challenge as the sandblasting....stripping requires scraping, and more difficult still, removing the stripper. That's a messy business even from the ground, and I've been up on the Long Life Stupa trying to power wash off the slimy, smelly stripper without losing my footing, and it's not easy. Call me crazy, but it's still worth every bit of effort! Still, less danger is good. : )
Not having any idea what Norbu's been up to I'm not sure what we'll be doing tomorrow. Forecast calls for rain, but there's plenty to keep us busy if that happens. : ) I can't wait to get back out there! Working on the Stupas is magnetic, I never want to stop... Their blessings have changed every particle of my being, working on them is an opportunity to share that experience with others. Whether you join us for a few minutes, or for many days and hours, it is the goal of the whole Stupa team that you have that chance!
"If one participates in a stupa's construction and ritual activities, or honors the completed stupa with an altruistic resolve to benefit all beings, then the blessings are such that Buddha himself could not describe them."
From Stupas: Incalculable Sources of Blessing by Tulku Sang Ngag Rinpoche, published by Chagdud Gongpa Foundation.
Thus, I'll end with my usual invitation, to come out and give this a try. It will bring benefit now and in the future, to you, and to all beings who encounter these precious structures! If you are not able to travel to Poolesville, then rejoice in these activities, and accept our offering of this blog, and our efforts, for the benefit of all beings!