Friday, September 02, 2005

While I went to get lunch, Gabriel and Norbu brought the pump back to the shed, to work on it somewhere closer to tools. This was a great day for Gabriel, he got to experience the essence of working on the Stupas...NEVER give up, just keep at it until you figure it out...He was great!

It turns out I misunderstood him the first time we met, when he said he took refuge at a Thai temple I thought he was practicing in that tradition. In reality, he took refuge at the only temple he could find, having been so moved by his reading on Tibetan Buddhism that he was desperate to take refuge. He's actually in the army! He wasn't in this area, so he took refuge where he could. He's been studying on his own from books, and found KPC on the internet. It turns out, he also loves Stupas! So when he saw our Stupas on the KPC Website he knew he was heading our way. How fortunate for us!
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