Tuesday, September 13, 2005

This is the Enlightenment Stupa at the end of the day today. Though we're scrambling to get down there to save the animals stranded by the storm, we haven't forgotten our precious commitment to the Stupas. Norbu made me promise I'd finish them without him if he cannot return in the near future (he may stay down in the Gulf Coast for a few months if he's needed there).

Lisa Banana, ever the brave Stupa dudet, informed me she won't let the Stupas lay idle in our absence. She'll be out stripping Migyur Dorje this weekend. We went over all the tools and their quirks (almost every one has an "issue" you must know how to navigate...we do know this is a sign of "old age"...). I reviewed the state of affairs out at Migyur Dorje, and she told me she thinks the Auspicious Manifold Doorways Stupa needs some more repair work. So the transmission of the charge has taken place (temporarily...don't worry Lisa...I'll be back before you miss me!). Posted by Picasa

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