Friday, September 16, 2005

Though I had planned on spending the afternoon resting and getting my car ready for the trip, I instead spent hours on the phone regarding the spontaneous event happening in the morning. A Lama visiting from Nepal stopped by and wants to do a practice for those suffering from the storm. So my video camera is going to get a work out before we even leave the driveway...and our leaving the driveway was post poned!

Not only that, but the mission itself changed. Evidently the need to provide relief to the Vietnamese Buddhist Community down in Alabama we've been communicating with has become urgent as well (we found out they have NOTHING). Here you see Ani Hesper gathering supplies for an altar for them!

So we once again lept into gear, and my own destiny changed once again! James and I will now be working with Phyllis and Ani Rene to get a huge shipment of goods down there asap. Fortunately, James is cool headed and easy going, ready to roll with the ever changing tide of needs... Posted by Picasa

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