Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The closer you got to the shore line, the more complete the devestation. Here you see trees marked with addresses, as the house that once stood there is now completely gone. Our experience in Biloxi was profound. You cannot imagine the extent of the loss. These people will need help for a long, long time. Everything was lost. Not just homes and all possessions, but entire industries, jobs, whole neighborhoods, cities...It is my hope that by sharing some of these photos with you that you will keep them in your prayers, and support efforts to help them. For our part here at KPC, we have initiated two relief efforts, one for human victims, and one for animals. You can see the websites linked on this page (Buddhistrelief.org and Tarasbabies.org). We initiated the organized effort, but it has since snowballed into a huge collaboration between Dharma Centers all over the country! This is, however, a Stupa blog, and I have not forgotten my responsibilities close to home! The Stupas exist to benefit all beings, everywhere. Thus I offer my efforts on their restoration to all those suffering anywhere, whether you're a storm victim, or someone wondering what the heck you're doing here in life. May we never forget those with hopes of us... Posted by Picasa

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