Saturday, September 24, 2005

This is the statue of Kuan Yin (hope I'm right here...language barrier) outside the temple in Bayou Labatre where we delivered the supplies. It was an arduous trip, and I'm not done getting sorted out. I did want to start posting some photos from the relief effort though! I will be posting more over the next week or so, as well as photos of the continuing Stupa restoration! Gabriel and Lisa worked yesterday on Migyur Dorje! They stripped the walls, and Gabriel is set to haul water tomorrow, priming the system so I can work out there during the week. Thus, even as the leads of the Stupa crew headed south, the Stupas continued to get the loving attention they need. And us Stupa dudes had a chance to engage in compassionate activity in a different way... Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feel the love: Mancow returns to KC radio
Saturday, September 24, 2005 Posted 12:50 AM GMT Hearne Christopher Jr. Batten down your radio hatches: The Cow is now! As of today - ' probably before you awoke or read this column - ' Kansas City expatriate ...
With a blog this good, I will be back!

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