Monday, September 26, 2005

So I'll end tonight with this shot of the unloading. This was last Monday afternoon. We had driven 20 hours with 2 hours of sleep, arrived in the shockingly intense Alabama heat and humidity, and when asked by the young nun from the temple to unload right away we couldn't resist. Fortunately for us weary travelers, the Vietnamese had organized the effort on their end, so had a team of folks ready to unload and sort. I'll show more tomorrow, but am still trying to get my house in order here! Tomorrow I should plow through the rest of the photos and get images uploaded (not only here, but online to share).

Gabriel had said he would haul water today, so soon (Tuesday is my goal) I'll also be back out at Migyur Dorje getting the rest of the stripping done. Don't worry folks, I haven't forgotten this is a Stupa blog! Just wanted to share some of the adventure us Stupa folks had over the last week.

The efforts you see on these pages, from the Stupa Renovation to the Katrina Relief efforts are ongoing. You can catch a glimpse for yourself out in Poolesville! But of course, the Stupas are always here for you, both in Poolesville and online, bringing benefit strings attached. Whether you're curious or have a mission, want to pray or just soak in the autumn weather, the Stupas bring benefit to every being they come into contact with. They exist for no other reason. They are here for you, and for all beings caught in the snare of suffering... Posted by Picasa

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