Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The repair process has at least been started. Tomorrow I'll be out doing some stripping, how much depends on whether I can find a way to get more water out there. Not looking like it will happen, so I'll have to scale back the stripping to work within what water we have. Norbu did say I could use his truck (one barrel at a time) in a pinch, and it may come to that...we'll see...Either way, after touring the Stupas today I'm ready to get back into it! Lisa, Gabriel and James all kept the project going in my absence..thanks guys! But they're all working during the week, so now it's my turn! : ) Amber will be bringing baby Sophie out tomorrow! Hopefully she'll hang around long enough for some photos! She wants to keep the baby away from the chemicals...Finally, I'll end with the invitation. The Stupas exist for no other reason than to bring benefit to beings. They bring healing from illness, peace, and prosperity. They plant the seed of Enlightenment in your mind, whether you know it or not, whether you care about that or not! They ask nothing in return, as their sole purpose is to benefit beings. So we here at KPC offer these profound sources of blessings to you, without charge, without requirement. Whether you come to pray or whether you have no interest in prayers, do come see these precious structures. We'll stay out of your way! Posted by Picasa

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