Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Very quick post tonight...was at the temple until past midnight, and a 4 am prayer shift awaits. Huge plans in play, including sending our beloved Norbu off with Tashi Dorje on Tuesday! They're heading to Mississippi to connect with an animal rescue program down there. This mobilization represents a rapid change in plan, based on reports of animals being killed down there for fear of disease spreading. The goal is to rescue as many as possible! Once they get there we'll get more information on needs and make plans for more volunteers to go. I myself hope to go by the end of the week (don't worry folks, won't go for too long, the Stupas will get finished!). Please do come join us here at KPC Maryland, whether at the Stupas, in the Prayer Room, or by donating things like leashes, muzzles, and pet carriers! Posted by Picasa

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